Welcome to NYSIR

Welcome to NYSIR's new Risk Management Resource Area

developed with our strategic partners at My Community Workplace. This area has cutting edge resources and educational training programs exclusively for NYSIR Subscribers.

This platform provides additional
online training programs and resources in:

kids in school hallway

In addition ...

  • weekly information

    Web-based articles provide weekly information on health and wellness; leadership; legal updates; safety and risk prevention techniques including downloadable documents for Subscriber use.

  • policy development

    There are model policies and procedures are available to assist in policy development in these areas as well.

Use these resources to further enhance you District's/BOCES' safety and risk management program.

Please explore the site and its many programs and offerings.

To take advantage of
the Online Training Resources,
please contact
Brett Carruthers
Connie Wallis


Social Media Use Under Fire As Unsafe For Children: Parents Called To Action

Some claim evidence suggests mental health risks related to social media use are real. We examine what they are saying and steps to lower your family's risk.

Incidents Of Sexual Abuse Continue Despite Significant Strides Made To Protect Children

Multiple leaders of one religious organization are charged with various sex crimes. We examine two sets of statistics.

As The Temperature Climbs, Hot Car Deaths Climb With It

The NHTSA gives advice on preventing children from death or injuries in hot cars. If you transport children, what should you know about keeping them safe?

200 Missing Children Found In Nationwide Search: Signs Of Sex Trafficking

U.S. Marshalls recovered 200 missing children in "Operation We Will Find You 2". We examine.